Dear Child,

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I love you.
I just wish you believed me.

Day after day, my heart breaks as you deny me.
Thoughts of me make you cringe as you question my existence,
I call to you, but you do not answer,
Your ears are shut to the sound of my voice,
Your heart cold as ice, unyielding as ever.

I knew you before you were formed,
I beamed at your conception,
I rejoiced at your birth.
I believed in you when no one else would,
Tended to your bruises,
Soothed your pain.

Everything that has happened to you,
Every blight in your past,
Every drought in your present,
Has happened for a reason only I can see,
Listen close, for my heart beats for you,
Your name is tattooed on the palm of my hand,
Your face etched forever in my memory.
I will not give up on you my child,
For no one can love you as much as I do.

I just need you to look past your hurt, and see what can still be.
I never promised that your life would be perfect,
Roses have thorns too, you see.
If you would just trust me and test me,
Only then will you see,
That I can give you peace.

I am your Father, and I love you like no one else can.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. rikky says:

    Lovely piece you got there darl….proud f ya


    1. Thank you dear, glad you stopped by.


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